Monday, October 26, 2009

French Rabbit - Pinot Noir - 2007

Wine in a box.

Now those three words remind you of college? Myself, I drank cheap red wine from a jug. Sangria from jug. And it involved toga parties. College was fun.

But I digress. French Rabbit Pinot Noir. This boxed wine was a pinot noir, from FRANCE, and it cost $10 for a full liter. No wimpy 750ml bottle here, no siree. How did it taste? Actually rather good. It was a full bodied pinot, a little sweet on the sweet side for a pinot, but not too much. Very much a good deal. And if you didn't know it, you would NEVER guess it was boxed wine.

1 comment:

  1. Tommy,

    Glad you enjoyed the French rabbit Pinot!

    Patrick @ French rabbit wines.
